Aiko Aiko Music Box

The Aiko Aiko Music Box is curious, musical and talkative. It features Alex Grey artwork in the background, a handful of hand drawn cartoons, and the Stanle Mouse/Alton Kelley artistic rendition of the Grateful Dead's song Sugar Magnolia. Across the top, the box says, “Did you know you have such capacity for joy?” and on the front, the gladiator eyeballs exclaim, “Aiko!” “Aiko!!”

         On the left side of the box, below a photo of Billy, Jerry, and Phil, a quote reads, “Thanks for gently taking away my musical virginity and replacing it with a cosmic orgasm.” When you open the box, the top of Phil’s head blows off! The right side of the Aiko Akio Music Box features ‘plane man’ exclaiming, “I get so high with the Grateful Dead!” The wharf rat is taunting Mickey, dangling a feather above his head, and a girl at the bottom is taking a nap with a grin on her face, lulled to sleep by the sweet harmonies of Brent and Bobby above her. Mr. Alligator is also sleepy, stretching and yawning on the front of the box.

         There’s yellow velvet inside the Aiko Aiko Music Box, with a liftout jewelry tray, and a slightly crooked mirror that has a bit of antiqued tarnish but still reflects perfectly well. The song that this box plays when it's opened is unidentified but familiar. The music box cylinder and tiny metal comb play the lullaby song clearly when wound up tight.

         Every box has a secret: this one is on the bottom of the lift-out tray, a goofy quote from an interview conducted by Blair Jackson. It says, in part,  “’It’s like a pact,’ says one Dead Head. ‘We show up and give the Dead our good energy, and they fill us up in return.’” The Aiko Aiko Music Box gets it. Dimensions: 8.5” L x 5.5” W x 5” H. This box found a happy home!


"The pictures do not do it justice! The box is just beautiful! These are a must for every Deadhead's collection!"

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