Furthur Bus Music Box

The Furthur Bus Music Box features three groovy things: a given, the Furthur bus; a whole bunch of pictures of Deadheads in splendid Grateful Dead garb; and, on the sides of the box, the Boys on horseback looking like true American cowboys, especially Pigpen! 

         Just like a ride on the bus, this box is full of delightful surprises. When the bottom drawer is opened, a hidden wind-up musical apparatus plays the theme to The Godfather. Plus, the drawers are luxuriously lined with royal red velveteen. And every box has a secret: on the bottom of the middle drawer, more Deadheads are kickin' it in an intricate collage. Dimensions: 8.5” L x 5.25” W x 6.25” H. The Furthur Bus Music Box got a new a new door handle, a SF Giants hatpin, and found a happy home with a diehard Yankees fan.


"The pictures do not do it justice! The box is just beautiful! These are a must for every Deadhead's collection!"

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