Seeing Double Music Box

The Seeing Double Music Box is the Grateful Dead Skeleton Key. The showcased picture on the top of the Seeing Double Box is a double exposure that overlaps Jerry Garcia with the two mascot Grateful Dead skeletons, Bertha and Uncle Sam. They're echoing in tune, doing what they do best: Sam's tipping his hat and Jerry's singing his song. This box mixes up a bunch of Dead-related symbolism, including skeletons of all sorts: a rainbow of dancing skeletons, the Aoxamoxa skull holding two eggs, the Blues for Allah skeleton playing a violin, The Boys rendered as skeletons, and Bertha wearing her wreath of roses. On the front of The Seeing Double Box, a Steal Your Face skull is filled with the Egyptian key of life, the ankh symbol.         

          The right side of the box sports a reclining nude in heated tones admiring a Sugar Magnolia vinyl 45". The picture on the left side is from before the Grateful Dead changed their original name from The Warlocks. Bertha and Uncle Sam continue the timeless skeleton theme on the back and bottom of the Seeing Double Box, leaning in on a Warfield marquee and a New York Historical Society playbill, repectively. Even this box's feet match its doubled-up spirit.         

         The inside of the Seeing Double Box features a shelf lifted by metal arms when you open the lid, and is divided into three red velveteen compartments for your jewelry and goodies. Another compartment holds the musical apparatus. The inside mirror reflects clearly and this box's secret is a reflection of its journey: a tag on the little shelf states, "What a long, strange trip it's been." Dimensions: 9” L x 5.5” W x 4.5” H. This box found a happy home in South Carolina!


"The pictures do not do it justice! The box is just beautiful! These are a must for every Deadhead's collection!"

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